Ever Wonder What The Most Elevating Sales Questions Are?

We're On A Mission To Build 2023's Most Elevating Sales Questions, Starting With TEN.

Are you wondering one of these three things:

1. Am I pushing myself enough to ask the tough sales questions that help my product (or service) prosper?

2. Is my competition moving ahead of me because they ask more powerful sales questions?

3. Am I wasting time, money, and resources on data that doesn't answer the right sales questions to make my product (or service) prosper?

Hello, and thank you for your interest in "TEN Sales Questions To Make A Product (or Service) Prosper."

I am Erik-Hombre Gudowski, Founder of TouchPoint Orange, and we believe in sharing new and powerful questions to make a product (or service) prosper. One of our strongest beliefs is in momentum gained from the questions we ask. Including the ones we ask ourselves, misguided questions can break us down, frustrate and move us in the wrong direction, while the right ones build us up and drive us toward prosperity.

I am dedicating 2023 to helping others ask elevating business questions – join us; together, we can make products (and services) prosper.

I have helped hundreds of companies (real people) over the last thirty years answer questions in the categories of:

1. Operations

2.  Sales (This  is the  #1 most  important Building Block to make a product  (and service)  prosper, is it not? Click to get Ten Powerful Questions.

3. Design

4. Public Relations

5. Marketing

6. Advertising

7. Technology

8. Branding

9. Customers

Over this time, these business categories manifested themselves into our "Nine Building Blocks" framework to help a product (or service) prosper.

I invite you to join our quest for 2023's Most Elevating Questions to make products (and services) prosper.

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